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July 15th, 1945

15 July 45


My darling;

I sure wish I knew what to write you. There just isn’t anything to say, as all we do now is keep things ready for inspection all the time. I got caught last Friday and Milner didn’t think very highly of it either. I really didn’t care much cause I’m on about for transfer. Been that way since 1st of month, and it sure wears you down too.

Got a package from you the other day, soup, hot chocolate, and tea bags, but no soda crackers. They should be arriving before long.

Today I’ve been on my bed ⅔ of the day. It is too damn hot (86) to wear our wool uniforms. Yet we have nothing else to wear. Tonight I am sitting around in my pajamas.

I sent home the Bronze Star Medal the other day, so you should be getting it very soon. Also i read your crack again about the wool lined jacket I sent home. I don’t know what the Germans used them for, all I know and that is all, that they had a warehouse full of them at Verdun. If you don’t like that jacket give it to someone. I wouldn’t care.

I wish I was home a week ago today when you arrived home from church, with Hannah’s two children. For sure honey, you and I would have gone some place. I sure wish I could get home and live a normal life. This army life is no good, especially for me.

Be good darling. I just miss you a lot, and want to come home badly. But please don’t look for me home in Sept. If I do come it will only be lucky - All my love Jack

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