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My Blog - Inspired By My Pictures

Years ago I heard the advice, "Don't take pictures while on vacation, just focus on the experience."  This turned out to be terrible guidance for me.  In my late 30s I started taking more pictures.  This activity helps to cement memories that would otherwise be lost whether on vacation or just going somewhere on the weekend.  In this blog I share the memories and stories inspired by my pictures.  

7 August

Just south of Frankfurt

On Route #3

My darling:

Betty I miss you terribly tonight. I think I would do anything to be home in your arms. I just don’t know what to do with myself. Please write often cause I’m going to have to depend on you for plenty now.

Well here is the dope as much as I can find out. This is a category (21 two unit, which means return to the states, when transportation available and reserve for the Pacific war. Thus I may stay out of the Pacific. And at present they think this division will go home in February or March 1946. Now that is nothing positive, it is only an estimate. My present assignment is Liason officer, some job. Bill Z. had in 489th. And in non-combat duty there is nothing to do. And I haven’t got one single job to do. But here is the catch, The Battalion needs a personnel officer and the 391st has two. The 391st has no supply officer so I may be sent to the 391st. I saw Capt. Shelton, who broke in supply the same time I did today. Recalled many events of Capt. Winters and at Camp Polk. I should know in a couple days if I’m going to be transferred.

The officers you know that came with me are Major Stump and Captain Donovan. Both are very happy with their assignments. A major is the Battalion commander so will have to put up with some petty things until he makes Lt. Colonel.

Milner is in the 1st Armored, so Shirley, “Little Jesus” in Battalion Co. And was he ever flying high. Well we shall see what happens over there. I try and keep contacts with both units.

Be good darling - I love you so much and know that I've been very poor about writing this past two weeks but will be getting better again now. I’m all thru playing - Say hello to everyone - Good night darling

All my love


5 August 45

Wallhaussen, Germ.

My darling:

Well I finally got back to the battalion. I sure had a wonderful time. I really believe I am ready to go again.

Now for the Battalion news. First I was transferred 1 Aug to 67 A.F.A battalion 3rd Armored Division. APOF 253, New York. NY. Tomorrow I am going over to report and see what my new job will be. Sure hope I don’t get a battery. If I do, I would like Service again. I’ll know at this time tomorrow. Now I don’t know anything about their plans so I can’t tell you anything yet. But this, I’m sure I am a peasant pleased to go to the 3rd Armored Div. I’ll look up Lyle while I’m over there also. Every officer that had at least then 85 points were transferred. Tomorrow night I’ll tell you the line-up of officers that you know.

Well Janey Thursday was spent getting ready to return. Didn’t do very much. Even that evening was spent doing little. Friday morning we left Grenoble at nine o’clock and drove all the way to Karlsruhe. Had very nice billets there and had a bath, a evening meal and breakfast. Saturday morning left there and stopped in Heidleburg and went thru the castle. It is completely destroyed.

This town of Wallhaussen is a dead place. Tonight Floyd & Michaels and myself are sitting around eating crackers, tuna fish and cheese. When I got back, there were four packages awaiting me. They all contain food, enclosed the crackers I have been waiting for so long. And Janey the crackers are still fresh, and really good.

Got five letters from you while I was gone. Was very interested in your comments on Clem, and don’t blame you in the least for lying a little to Clem. She sure did over stay her want. And that always does effect one desires to have her come again.

Well you can get the atlas out again today or tomorrow and look up this new town I’m going. I think the book was the best I had seen over here.

Well darling that is about all for this time. I will write tomorrow and let you know what I got into. Sure hope they're scheduled to return to the states soon.

All my love


Aug 1st, 1945

Grenoble, France

My darling:

Did you notice my location? Well honey I’m not transferred yet as far as I know. Also honey I’m ashamed of myself for not writing to you for a week. Now I’ll be telling you about myself and what I’m doing in Grenoble.

So being with when I got back to the battalion they had a chance to send and officer to Grenoble on pass, I took it. I went to division and got a jeep authorized for the trip and away I went at 2:00 P.M. last Wednesday. 1st Sergeant Dykes is my driver. We stayed all night Wed in Strasbourg France. That town is not damaged at all and it was also very dead. Not a thing doing. Thursday we traveled all day and that night we stayed at Lyon. We had a pretty fair line that night. It also rain a little too. Friday we arrived in Grenoble and I have a nice room in the Savoi Hotel. There isn’t too much to due here except night club life, of which there is plenty.

Monday I went to Chamonix France which is in the Alps. And Betty the scenery there was beautiful. They only get about three hours of sun there because of the high mountains. There we could play golf, tennis, swimming and if you wanted to skiing. I did go up to the mount tops where we had a snowball fight in July. Kettering was the only other officer along that we both knew. It was really fun. I thought of you very much and hope someday I may return with you with me. I know you would enjoy the trip. There is one thing I think would scare you, it did me, and that was a cable-car ride from one mountain top to another mountain. It took 8 minutes to go and at one time the closest earth to you is 2,000 feet. Boy the seems worst then an airplane honey.

We also went up to the Mer de Glace. Which means lake of ice. Card #12 shows you the lake. All I had was a plane pair of shoes. And as this was all ice I spent more time on the seat of my trousers than I did on my feet. There were a few nurses with us on that trip and we had lots of fun with them. There silk panties weren’t very good insulation against the ice and fun sure when they fell the skirts would go up over there heads.

Today I came back to Grenoble and spent the day looking for something to buy. Prices are way out of reason. I’m trying to find you some gloves which Grenoble is famed for. So far no luck - Please don’t plan on receiving any. I’ll do my best.

Friday morning I’m starting back for Wallhaussen. Plan on being there Sunday. Should have lots of mail when I arrive.

Be good darling. I hope I come home soon. I miss you a lot. You should be with me on this trip.

All my love


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