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August 5th, 1945

5 August 45

Wallhaussen, Germ.

My darling:

Well I finally got back to the battalion. I sure had a wonderful time. I really believe I am ready to go again.

Now for the Battalion news. First I was transferred 1 Aug to 67 A.F.A battalion 3rd Armored Division. APOF 253, New York. NY. Tomorrow I am going over to report and see what my new job will be. Sure hope I don’t get a battery. If I do, I would like Service again. I’ll know at this time tomorrow. Now I don’t know anything about their plans so I can’t tell you anything yet. But this, I’m sure I am a peasant pleased to go to the 3rd Armored Div. I’ll look up Lyle while I’m over there also. Every officer that had at least then 85 points were transferred. Tomorrow night I’ll tell you the line-up of officers that you know.

Well Janey Thursday was spent getting ready to return. Didn’t do very much. Even that evening was spent doing little. Friday morning we left Grenoble at nine o’clock and drove all the way to Karlsruhe. Had very nice billets there and had a bath, a evening meal and breakfast. Saturday morning left there and stopped in Heidleburg and went thru the castle. It is completely destroyed.

This town of Wallhaussen is a dead place. Tonight Floyd & Michaels and myself are sitting around eating crackers, tuna fish and cheese. When I got back, there were four packages awaiting me. They all contain food, enclosed the crackers I have been waiting for so long. And Janey the crackers are still fresh, and really good.

Got five letters from you while I was gone. Was very interested in your comments on Clem, and don’t blame you in the least for lying a little to Clem. She sure did over stay her want. And that always does effect one desires to have her come again.

Well you can get the atlas out again today or tomorrow and look up this new town I’m going. I think the book was the best I had seen over here.

Well darling that is about all for this time. I will write tomorrow and let you know what I got into. Sure hope they're scheduled to return to the states soon.

All my love


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