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My Blog - Inspired By My Pictures

Years ago I heard the advice, "Don't take pictures while on vacation, just focus on the experience."  This turned out to be terrible guidance for me.  In my late 30s I started taking more pictures.  This activity helps to cement memories that would otherwise be lost whether on vacation or just going somewhere on the weekend.  In this blog I share the memories and stories inspired by my pictures.  

On the 8th of January, Division Artillery ordered us to initiate recon in the sector north of Malmedy.

8 Jan. 45


No. 4

Dear Betty; Received your letter of 22 Dec. and your v-mails come a lot faster thru your regular air-mail. Last night I didn’t get a chance to write as my place was taken over as a night club. They played poker in here until two A.M. I went to bed and gave it up as a bad night. I didn’t get in the game for which I am happy for.

This has been a terrible day. A typical Michigan snow storm. There is about six inches of snow on the ground and the road is a sheet of ice.

I also attempted to dry all my clothing. Had my blouse and Pinks out for the first time in Europe. And I also put my bronze star metal on the blouse. I found my clothing in much better shape then I had expected.

Bill has had a bad cold lately - They put him to bed for a couple days and he seems okay now. Everyone seems to have his share of colds.

Had a nice shower today. Really seemed good to get clean again. Betty when I get a chance to take a shower now I take it. None of this delaying until the next day.

Everything the same with me. My only trouble is keeping warm and especially my feet. I sure wish I had some very heavy socks. The army doesn’t seem to have socks heavy enough.

Well honey this isn’t much of a letter, but as there isn’t much else to write I guess you’ll have to call it finished for tonight. I could say how much I miss you. That you know. These cold days I miss you more than ever. Be good - Maybe soon I’ll be home . Say hello to mom. Wish I could see her too.

All my love



This time I’m requesting

  1. Sour pickles

  2. Soda crackers (salted)

  3. Candy (chocolate)

The next few days were spent in very necessary programs of personal and vehicular maintenance. A training program was initiated once these first two were accomplished satisfactorily. The weather improved but only in the afternoons was the damp mist from the river bottoms sufficiently evaporated to allow the sun to shine for a few hours.

On the 5th of January, Lt Col Milner, the Bn Comdr, and Maj Richard H. Shirly, the S-3, reconnoitered the roads thru-out the 30th Infantry Div sector around Malmedy.


5 January 45

No 2.

My darling;

Honey I would do anything to be home tonight. I’m so damn tired that if I did get home I’m afraid I would fall asleep on your shoulder before I could do a thing.

Betty I received some mail today for the first time in a long time. I now have all your mail through December 20. You mention you were worried about me. Honey I’ll do everything to take care of myself even though it was quite hard for awhile. Enclosed is a A.P. dispatch we received. I’m sending it on to you. Maybe you can get a little from it. The Ba was close to St. Vith and we sort of took a beating. Bill is still in good condition. We have received commendations from Eisenhower, Bradley and Dempsy. Honey at that place this unit did more good that anyone will ever know.

It seems that Edith and Bill Ryan knew before you did that I had made the grade. That was the first one you ever received addressed as Captain & Mrs. I sure wish I was with you so that we could have all our letters come that way.

Honey I told you that Corporal Havis in Service Battery made that locket for you. He sure is a nice fellow.

Don’t get any idea about smoking, I still think that is no thing for a woman to do. Please don’t start anything like that. Betty that arm band came out of Metz. It was given to me by a American spy for gasoline for his German vehicle. He went in to get German passports for some people. On his return trip he gave me this. That other thing was no mind. It belonged to a man in Baker battery. And that was on his wrist. Also he didn’t receive a purple heart because it didn’t even draw blood.

In one of your letters you asked me if we were a reserve Battalion. Janey, I sure gave you a wrong interpretation. I sure wish I would get about 200 miles from combat and sleep for a month. Then maybe we would be rested.

Personally honey the last four days I been as jumpy as one could be. Everything seems to get on my nerve. Even the slamming of doors gets on my nerves. I’ll be okay as soon as I get some sleep.

Well darling I’m going to bed now. Sure wish you were here, so I wish I was with you. Be good darling, I write you a nice letter tomorrow - I love you.

All my love


In the early morning of the 30th, elements of other units of the 7th Armored Division began arriving in Weert per division order to concentrate in the CCA sector having been relieved by the 15th Scottish Div in their own areas. At noon, a detailed plan was released for new operations. CCB was to relieve CCA and the 489 was to turn fire support over to the 434. We were to continue in direct support of CCA, a force composed of the 40th Tank battalion, and 38 plus 23 Armored infantry battalion. Our mission was to move east on division order across the north-south canal to the north of the town of Nederweert and then push forward, keeping our right flank on the east--west canal in this area. Batteries A and C were laid in the new direction to cover the route of our proposed advance. Battery B remained laid in the CCB actor until the 434 Armored FA Battalion was in position and ready for action. Harassing fires were fired throughout the 24-hour period in the old and raw sectors, a total of 703 rounds being fired.

October 30, 1944


Letter # 4

My darling:

I’m trying to live up to my promise of writing you more often. As long as I sit in this location I think I’ll be able to do this.

The first thing I want to tell you about is my experience I had last night. I went to a town which I wish I could tell you to draw some equipment. I wasn’t supposed to arrive until this morning so after I loaded the truck last night I stayed in town until this morning. About eight o’clock I was invited to a party. So I decided I would go. Well the queerest thing about this group was that there was five languages spoke and only twelve people were there. England, French, Holland, German and Polish was spoken. It took a real man to get the jist of the conversation. I made out pretty well. Nothing was done at the party other then drinking dutch beer.

Received your letter of October 14 & 18 today. An organ lesson, what next. Well I guess it will help pass the time away. But remember I’ll never go to church in Three Oaks unless my wife sits by my side. You’ve been away from me too long and when I get home you will have to put up with me 24 hours a day, less not one minute.

You and your uncle Lynn have a real lot of trouble. Why doesn’t your mother get a mail box in Galin? It will solve the problem.

LieutenantCola came into my new home and we has spent one hour shooting the hell. If you wonder who he is, he is a new man in the batty. He did not replace anyone.

Gosh honey what I couldn’t do with a gallon of cider. If you sent it would sure be hard by the time it arrived here.

This has been the coldest day we have had. I sure will be glad to see summer again. And tonight it has started to rain. I never seen it rain so much. Seems like every other day.

Well Janey, I’ve got to go to bed. I’m on guard again tonight so I have to get a little sleep before hand and some after. I sure wish I could come home and sleep with you. But first I would have to have some tomato soup. Say you can send some of that to me. On these cold days I really could go for that. Thank you. Better send some saltine crackers along with it. Good night honey and do remember that I think you are the best and most wonderful girl in this world and sure would like to be home with you. Be good and say hello to grandma, and tell her I received her letter in regards to my gloves. I’d write her my appreciation when they arrive.

All my love


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