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May 21st, 1945

Konnern, Ger.

50 Miles NW of


My darling;

I haven’t written to you in a couple days because we have been on the move. But we are again settled. I wonder how long this time.

I have a wonderful setup this time. Five houses for the battery. The Col gets one with his staff and I took one for the battery officers. I’ll try to draw a picture for you at this place.

I have all Rooms marked with (1) for myself. In my bedroom I had the owner put sheets and everything on my bed.

First time in the E.T.O. So you see I’m laying with it.

Now with my five other officers in the battery. All I have to do is issue orders and check up upon them. Really some life now isn’t it. I’m thinking seriously of wearing my class A uniform all the time. Then I’ll never get my hands in anything dirty. Ok this army is a crazy thing.

Honey for the first time since I been over here I’m completely out of food stuffs. So you better send me something soon. I weighed myself today and I hit 200 lbs even. But if Army rations don’t get better I’m going to start to get smaller.

Now the trip down here. I stopped at Rotten and put the battery up thru for the night. Altogether it was a 180 mile March. And I had two days to make it, so I took two. In the army you take all the time you are getting to do a job.

Well honey that is about all for tonight. I sure should get some mail tomorrow. I’ve turned down my pay for the last two months and I wondering if I should draw my pay this month as I have $30.00 or more in my pocket.

Be good and honey I want to come back and stay in the states with you. I hope I get home soon. Be the best & sweetest girl I know.

All my love


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