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June 7th, 1945

7 June 45

Konnern, Germ.

My darling;

Another very warm day. Sometimes I wish they would let us wear summer uniforms. But no luck. Anyway nobody has any over here with them anyway.

Went to Halle again this morning to see the Military Governor on some food. They are more safer than we are. Janey we sure are terrible on Military Governors. Well to make this short I didn’t get a thing out of them.

This afternoon I spent my time in the motor park. I’m getting all my halftracks etc. repainted. After this is done I’ll be all set for ordinance inspections which I Hope never comes.

As usual every evening I stay home and sit around. Dykes has gone to find some wine and 3 officers are out looking for some German girls. This non-fraternization policy is the worst farce of the Military government.

Betty tell Mr. Lacheood that the gun he wanted I could have gotten a thousand. But never did. One reason for not is that all German weapons have a very distinct sound and therefore we never used them, therefore not risking our only life. And you don’t have the space to carry things you don’t use.

Be good darling. I’m thinking of you. Each and every hour. I love to hold you very tight.

All my love


P.S. You can send another package.

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